His fame and influence, incredible. His exploits and his sins, epic. King David, the warrior-poet and shepherd-king of Israel, lived a wild and baffling life. But he is not just a giant killer who inspires us to “slay our own giants”—no. In God’s great storytelling called history, David is a type, a bright shadow, a brilliant pointer to King Jesus. The life of David points the meditative reader to Jesus again and again. From the most well known stories to the most obscure scenarios, Gospel gems glitter in the trials and triumphs of David. Join us as we journey through the wilderness and the royal courts of 1 & 2 Samuel to see how Jesus was the long-promised “Son of David.”

Week 1 | There Must Be Another Son

Week 2 | Scales

Week 3 | More Jonathans!

Week 4 | The Bread and The Sword

Week 5 | The Cave

Week 6 | At The Brook Besor

Week 7 | God In A Box

Week 8 | Learning to Receive & Respond to Redemption

Week 9 | Mephibosheth

Week 10 | You are…

Week 11 | O My Shon

Week 11 | No End