Meditations with John | Volume 5

He is on the move. We now find Jesus and his apprentices on the road from the table to the garden. Having finished the passover supper, Jesus and his friends are now on Jerusalem streets, walking East towards the Garden of Gethsemane. As they walk, Jesus teaches a masterclass on apprenticeship to his followers. In this volume of Meditations With John, we will hear Jesus masterfully teach on the Spirit-empowered life--a life of union with Him. It is a life of abiding and obeying, and a life that leads to becoming more and more like Jesus (in both joy and in suffering). Join us as we go further up and further in on our journey of apprenticeship and learn about the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.

Apprenticeship Masterclass | Pt. 8 “It Comes Through Sorrow” | John 16v16-20

Apprenticeship Masterclass | Pt. 7 “Glory’s Tour Guide” | John 16v12-15

Apprenticeship Masterclass | Pt. 6 “The Good News About the Bad One” | John 16:4-11

Apprenticeship Masterclass | Pt. 5 “It is Better for You” | John 16:4-11

Apprenticeship Masterclass | Pt. 4 “Exposing Sin” | John 16:4-11

Apprenticeship Masterclass | Pt. 3 "Not Above It" | John 15v17-6:4a

Apprenticeship Masterclass | Pt. 2 "Be With Jesus" | John 15v1-11

Apprenticeship Masterclass | Pt. 1 "Fundamental" | John 15v12-17